Author: Craig Payst

  • Troll on a Pole

  • The Strange Politics of Blakes 7

    The Strange Politics of Blakes 7

    Blakes 7 is not an easy show to make any kind of consistent sense of. This is primarily because there is very little in the show that’s consistent. Running for for series on the BBC from 1978 to 1981, this space opera followed a group of escaped criminals led (at first) by the eponymous Blake, […]

  • The Constant Nymph

    The Constant Nymph

    Margaret Kennedy’s 1924 novel The Constant Nymph was famous in its time, but sat mostly forgotten and had fallen out of print when it was republished by The Dial Press as part of their Virago line in 1984. Virago was dedicated to reviving forgotten novels by women authors, some have said regardless of the actual […]

  • Music for Gracious Living: Barbecue

    Music for Gracious Living: Barbecue

    Good taste, comfort, ease, luxury — the qualities that characterize gracious living. To live graciously is to be certain of the correctness of one’s aesthetics, and to construct one’s domestic environment in such a way that those aesthetics are expressed fully and in harmony. It is a life which is built around an artifice so […]

  • Cricket’s Cookery

    Cricket’s Cookery

    This past week I’ve been writing about lost foods. We covered foods that have disappeared and may or may not be reborn, foods that have left traces in history we can follow, and how our relationship to our own lost foods can be used for creativity or self-absorption. Every one of us is haunted by […]